St George’s Medical Centre



Due to staff shortage and the increased volume of requests, prescription requests are currently taking longer than the normal three working day. We would appreciate if you could please allow … [continue] Dispensary

Patient Notice

Thursday 9 March 2023 Due to staff shortages askmyGP will be open between 8am and 10am only.  Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Patient Notice

Due to staff shortages dispensary will be closed today, Friday 25 November between 1pm and 2pm. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Patient notice

Please note, dispensary will be closed between 1pm and 2pm on Friday 25 November 2022.  Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Staff sickness

Very sorry but due to staff sickness askmyGP will be closing at 10am today, Monday 10 October 2022.  Hopefully the situation will improve for tomorrow.